Course Structure for Binusian 2028

Sem Code Course Name SCU Total
1 CHAR6013009 Character Building: Pancasila 2 20
FILM6044009 Film Literacy1 - (AOL) 2
FILM6083009 Visual Storytelling Elements 4
FILM6105009 Filmmaking Fundamental2 - (AOL) 4
FILM6106009 Visual Language 2
ARTS6032009 History of Arts 2
LANG6027009 Indonesian 2
FILM6026009 History of Indonesian Cinema 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
2 FILM6021009 World Film History1 4 20
FILM6107009 Visual Directing - (AOL) 2
FILM6047009 Scriptwriting2 - (AOL & AIE) 4
FILM6048009 Production Workshop I - (AOL) 4
FILM6084009 Cinema & Social Studies2 - (AOL) 4
COSC6011009 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
3 CHAR6014009 Character Building: Kewarganegaraan 2 20
FILM6108009 Film Industry Seminar - (AOL) 2
FILM6109009 Narrative Directing - (AOL) 4
FILM6131009 Character’s Journey - (AOL) 4
FILM6111009 Cinematography1 - (AOL) 4
FILM6112009 Visual Techniques2 - (AOL) 2
ENPR6311001 Creativity and Innovation 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
4 CHAR6015009 Character Building: Agama 2 20
FILM6132009 Principles of Documentary Cinema2 2
FILM6027009 Film Theories1 - (AOL) 4
FILM6114009 Production Workshop II 4
Stream: Film Production
FILM6115009 Script to Screen - (AOL) 4
FILM6117009 Cinematic Storytelling 4
Stream: Film Studies
FILM6122009 Indonesian Director Studies - (AOL) 2
FILM6082009 Alternative Distribution and Film Festival - (AOL) 2
FILM6080009 Southeast Asian Cinema & Popular Culture2 4
Minor Program 8
Free Electives 8
Foreign Language Courses 0
5 ENPR6312001 Venture Creation 2 20
RSCH6030009 Research Methodology for Film - (AIE) 4
FILM6133009 Transmedia Filmmaking 2
Stream: Film Production
FILM6116009 Documentary Filmmaking - (AOL) 2
FILM6121009 Production Design2 2
FILM6078009 New Media Production2 - (AOL) 4
FILM6118009 Script Development & Pitching2 4
Stream: Film Studies
FILM6094009 Cultural Studies & New Media2 - (AOL) 4
FILM6059009 Global Cinema1 4
FILM6119009 Audiences & Fan Culture2 - (AOL) 4
Minor Program 12
Free Electives 12
6 Enrichment Program I 20 20
7 Enrichment Program II 20 20
8 FILM6030009 Thesis 6 6

Total Credits 146 SCU

  1) This course is delivered in English  2) Global Learning System Course  -) AOL - Assurance of Learning Process System -) AIE - Artificial Intelligence Embedded Course  Streaming or Minor or Free Electives: -) For 4th Semester: Students are required to choose Streaming or Minor or Free Electives, For Free Electives, students are required to choose from the list of Free Electives in Appendix. -) For 5th Semester: Students will continue to study the Stream or the Minor Program or Free Electives that has been choosen in semester 4. For Free Electives, students are required to choose from the list of Free Electives in Appendix. Foreign Language Courses: Students will take foreign language courses according to BINUS University English proficiency test results. See foreign language courses appendix for the details. Students must pass with a minimum Grade of C. Enrichment Program I (6th Semester) & Enrichment Program II (7th Semester): -) Student will take one of enrichment program tracks (off campus). In addition to the above list, students are allowed to take courses from other majors and declare these courses as their electives. Please refer to each course description to check any pre-requisites for these courses.   Enrichment Track Scheme
Track Semester 6 Semester 7
1 v v
2 v v
3 v v
4 v v
5 v v
6 v v
7 v
8 v v
9 v v
10 v v
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24 v v
25 v v
26 v v
27 v v
28 v
29 v v
30 v v
31 v v
32 v v
33 v v
34 v v
35 v
36 v v
37 v v
38 v v
39 v v
40 v v
Notes: IN            : Certified Internship RS           : Certified Research EN          : Certified Entrepreneurship CD          : Certified Community Development SA           : Certified Study Abroad IS            : Certified Specific Independent Study etc           : Study Program Special Purposes Description: Student will take one of enrichment program tracks Students who failed in Enrichment Program I can retake with the same track or change into another track. As for Enrichment Program II, student who failed with Certified Internship, Certified Research, Certified Community Development, and Certified Study Abroad track on Enrichment Program II, can retake with the same track or change into another track. However students who take Certified Entrepreneurship track on Enrichment Program II, should retake with another track.