Dr. Azalia Muchransyah is a filmmaker, writer, and scholar from Indonesia. She received her Ph.D. in Media Study from the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York (SUNY) in 2021. Dr. Muchransyah’s research interests revolve around the intersections of media study, film study, film production, documentary and its hybrid forms, HIV study, feminist study, and activism, specifically in Indonesia.
Her dissertation investigates alternative modes in documentary media production and distribution to highlight the paradoxes of HIV advocacy in Indonesia from the media ecology perspective. A two-time Fulbright grantee, Dr. Muchransyah received funding and support from The Gender Institute’s Isabel S. Marcus International Research Fellowship and the Mark Diamond Research Fund from The Graduate Student Association at the University at Buffalo to complete her doctorate. Her research has already begun to garner awards, including the UB Three Minute Dissertation Award.
In the past, she published a paper on the framing of the Bali Bombing in the media and co-authored two other published articles on HIV care in Indonesian prison settings. Dr. Muchransyah uses her filmmaking practice as her scholarly explorative mode and has showcased her films internationally at academic conferences, film festivals, and alternative screening venues. Her educational research and media practice continue to challenge dominant, repressive, and Eurocentric media discourses, raise awareness, and encourage media activism about HIV in Indonesia and globally.
- Ganesdhi GA; Muchransyah AP. “Professional Camera VS. Smartphone Camera: A Comparison of Image Quality in A Low-budget Production of the Short Film “Pale Moon”” [in press].
- Muchransyah AP; Soedarso N. “Oppositional Gaze In Indonesian Cinema: An Ethnographic Analysis Of Papuan Representation In Orpa” [in press].
- Muchransyah AP; Sofiyanti D. “The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Indonesian Film Industry: A Case Study of Qun Films” [in press].
- Rizki D; Muchransyah AP. “The Application of Artificial Intelligence DALL·E 2 For Film Casting” [in press].
- Poluan BAJ; Muchransyah AP. “Metaverse: Potentials and Threats of a New Reality Construct for Humanity, Social Life, and Entertainment in the Future” [in press].
- Muchransyah AP. (2023). “Alternative Film Screening Venues and Post-Pandemic Sustainability of Indonesian Film Industry” in ICOSIAS 2021 2nd International Conference on Science and Its Applications “Sustainable Innovation in Natural Science, Economic and Business Science, and Social Science,” Volume 2023. Knowledge E. DOI 10.18502/kss.v8i2.12760 [peer-reviewed].
- Maharini N; Muchransyah AP. (2021). “Application of A Zone-Based System in A Short Film Production During Covid-19 Pandemic” in 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management in Johor Bahru (APIEOM Malaysia) 2022 Official Conference Proceedings [non-peer reviewed].
- Muchransyah AP. (2016). “The Framing of the 2002 Bali Bombing in the Media: Long Road to Heaven and National Geographic’s Seconds from Disaster: “The Bali Bombing (Disco Bombing)”” in The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Communication, Volume 11 Issue 1, March 30th, 2016 [peer reviewed].
- Culbert GJ; Waluyo A, Iriyanti M; Muchransyah AP; Kamarulzaman A; Altice FL. (2015). “Within-prison drug injection among HIV-infected male prisoners in Indonesia: A highly constrained choice” in Drug & Alcohol Dependence, Volume 149, 1 April 2015, Pages 71–79 [peer reviewed].
- Culbert GJ; Bazazi AR; Waluyo A; Murni A; Muchransyah AP; Iriyanti M; Finnahari; Polonsky M; Levy J; Altice FL. (2015). “The Influence of Medication Attitudes on Utilization of Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) in Indonesian Prisons” in AIDS and Behavior, 23 September 2015, Pages 1-13 [peer reviewed].
- Muchransyah, AP; Iswardani, T. (2013). “The Level of Social Bond among Indonesian Higher-Education Students Who Access Facebook” in The Third IAFOR Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences (ACP) 2013 Official Conference Proceedings [non-peer reviewed].
International Conferences:
- International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic), 2024, presenting on “Professional Camera VS. Smartphone Camera: A Comparison of Image Quality in A Low-budget Production of the Short Film “Pale Moon”” with Garry Ganesdhi.
- Nineteenth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 2024, presenting on “Oppositional Gaze In Indonesian Cinema: An Ethnographic Analysis Of Papuan Representation In Orpa” with Nick Soedarso.
- Twenty-second International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities 2024, presenting on “The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Indonesian Film Industry: A Case Study of Qun Films” with Devina Sofiyanti.
- The 8th International Conference on Science and Technology 2023, presenting papers on “The Application of Artificial Intelligence DALL·E 2 For Film Casting” with Defitrian Rizki and “Metaverse: Potentials and Threats of a New Reality Construct for Humanity, Social Life, and Entertainment in the Future” with Bianca AJ Poluan.
- 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management in Johor Bahru (APIEOM Malaysia) 2022 Official Conference Proceedings, presenting a paper on “Application of A Zone-Based System in A Short Film Production During Covid-19 Pandemic” with Nadya Maharini.
- ICOSIAS 2021 2nd International Conference on Science and Its Applications “Sustainable Innovation in Natural Science, Economic and Business Science, and Social Science,” presenting a paper on “Alternative Film Screening Venues and Post-Pandemic Sustainability of Indonesian Film Industry.”
- AIFIS-MSU Conference on Indonesian Studies 2021, “Paradigms and New Frontiers,” presenting on “Gradual Disappearance of National Cinema: Reconstructing Indonesian Films in the 21st Century.”
- Social Justice Works-in-Progress Series, April 29, 2021, presenting excerpts from “HIV Para-Doc: Media Activism and the Paradoxes of HIV Advocacy in Indonesia.”
- “Site/Seeing: Sites of Spectatorship” Cinema and Media Studies Graduate Student Conference at the University of Chicago, April 23-24, 2021, Chicago, IL, presenting a paper on “The Spatial Politic of Alternative Screening Venues for Activist Films in Indonesia” as part of “Activist Sites” panel session.
- 3rd North American PhD by Design Symposium 2021, April 5-10, 2021, presenting a talk on “HIV Para-Doc: Media Activism and the Paradoxes of HIV Advocacy in Indonesia.
- “Digital Activism in and Outside the Classroom” Work-In-Progress Workshop by Global Digital Humanities working group in the Central New York Humanities Corridor, March 20 – April 2, 2021, workshopping the Introduction Chapter of “HIV Para-Doc: Media Activism and the Paradoxes of HIV Advocacy in Indonesia.”
- Southeast Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, hosted by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, January 15-17, 2021, presenting a paper on “Gender in Contemporary Indonesian Cinema” as a part of “Gender on Screen ” panel session.
- Hindsight is 20/20: How Popular Culture Writes, Rewrites, and Unwrites History, Wayne State University Pop Culture Conference, March 27-29, 2020, Detroit, MI, presenting a paper on “Causality Dilemma: How Cinema Serves as A History-Making Tool in Indonesia.”
- Association for Asian Studies 2020 Annual Conference, March 19-22, 2020, Boston, MA, presenting a paper on “Gender in Contemporary Indonesian Cinema” as a part of “Gender and Social Change in Asian Popular Cultures” panel session [Canceled due to COVID-19].
- 29th Annual Milton Plesur Graduate History Conference, University at Buffalo, SUNY, March 6-7, 2020, presenting a paper on “Representation and Agency of Postcolonial Bodies in Indonesia.”
- Shifting Tides, Anxious Borders 10th Annual Graduate Conference, Saturday, April 13, 2019, Department of English, Binghamton University, Theme: Minor(ity) Texts: Formalizing Resistance, Session B Panel #1: Challenging the Dominant and Mainstream Narrative in Indonesia: From Resistance to Alternative, presenting a paper on “Gradual Disappearance of National Cinema: Reconstructing Indonesian Films in the 21st Century.”
- New York Conference on Asian Studies, September 21-22, 2018, Rochester Institute of Technology, presenting a paper on “Designing Hybrid Documentary Film for HIV Education in Indonesian Prisons.”
- The Seventh Annual Behavior and Brain Sciences Symposium, June 1, 2018, Center for Tomorrow, University at Buffalo North Campus, presenting a paper on “Using Media for Good: Why Media is Essential for Awareness Campaigns in the 21st Century.”
- Society of Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS), Toronto, Canada, 2018, Auditor for “New Approaches to Film Aesthetic” Seminar.
- 25th Annual GSE Student Research Symposium, University at Buffalo, State University of New York (SUNY), Poster Presentation of “AIDS Media: An HIV Edutainment Design for Prison Populations.”
- The Twelfth Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Conference, International Conference Center, Hiroshima, Japan, 2017, Virtual Lightning Talk on “The Depiction of Love and Technology in Film Adaptation through Time and Space: Comparison Analysis of Miklos Laszlo’s play ‘Parfumerie’ in Its Adaptation Films ‘The Shop around the Corner,’ ‘In the Good Old Summertime,’ and ‘You’ve Got Mail.’”
- The Tenth Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Conference, University of Split, Split, Croatia, 2015, presenting a paper on “The Framing of Bali Bombing One in the Media: ‘Long Road to Heaven’ and National Geographic’s ‘Seconds from Disasters: The Bali Bombing (Disco Bombing)’.”
- International Conference on Sustainable Development, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, 2013, presenting 3 (three) papers on: 1. “Identity Factor on the Act of 2002 Bali Bombing Terrorists” (as a Guest Speaker); 2. “Deprivation: How Globalization Trigs Terrorism in Indonesia;” and 3. “Potential Threat of Indonesian REDD+ Mitigation Scheme Against Indigenous People of Toro, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.”
- The Third IAFOR Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences (ACP) 2013, Osaka, Japan, 2013, presenting a paper on “The Level of Social Bond among Indonesian Higher-Education Students Who Access Facebook.”
- 4th Annual Graduate Conference on Asia, Arizona State University, USA, 2011, presenting a paper on “Potential Threat of Indonesian REDD+ Mitigation Scheme Against Indigenous People of Toro, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.”
- 7th Cornell-Yale Northeastern Conference on Indonesia, Cornell University, USA, 2011, presenting a paper on “The Level of Social Bond among Indonesian Higher-Education Students Who Access Facebook.”
- “Contemporary Issues in Southeast Asia,” Project Southeast Asia, St. Anthony’s College, University of Oxford, England, 2012.
- “Language Ideologies in Indonesia,” Yale Indonesia Forum, Yale University, USA, 2012.
- Harvard National Model United Nations, representing Niger on the World Summit on Sustainable Development, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2009.
- Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations Academic Conference, Malaysia, 2008.
- 2021-now Subject Content Coordinator, Film Department, Binus University
- 2019-2021 Podcast Producer & Research Assistant, The Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy, University at Buffalo, USA
- 2017-2019 Associate Producer, PixStori, Talking Pictures, LLC, Buffalo, USA
- 2016-2017 Deputy Head, Film Department, Binus University
- 2014-2016 Subject Content Coordinator, Film Department, Binus University
- 2013-2014 Research Associate, Universitas Indonesia
- 2012-2013 Partnership Consultant, United Nations Pulse Lab Jakarta
- 2011-2012 Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA), School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, USA
- 2005-2011 Freelance Scriptwriter
Filmography and Exhibitions:
- Halal (2017, Documentary, 14 mins 36 secs)
Screenings & Official Selections:- DMS Media Show, 2018, USA
- Independent Documentary Night, 2019, USA
- Great Lakes International Film Festival, 2019, USA
- Sandalia Sustainability Film Festival, 2019, Italy
- Cefalù film festival, 2019, Italy
- Sinevizyon, 2019, Turkey
- 49th Roshd International Film Festival, 2019, Iran
- VI International Film Festival Golden Frame, 2019, Ukraine
- LAMPA International Film Festival of socially oriented short films, videos and social advertising, 2019, Russia
- Elizabethtown Film Festival, 2020, USA
- APL’S arts portfolio panel discussion and film screenings, 2020, USA
- Longless Film Festival, 2020, Italy
- 12th International Inter University Short Film Festival (IIUSFF), 2020, Bangladesh
- Darkroom Film Festival, 2020, England
- streetside cinema/, 2020, USA [pending due to COVID]
- First Annual Social and Economic Justice Film Festival, 2021, USA
- HIV/AIDS: Not A Death Sentence (2018, Documentary, 7 mins 53 secs)
Screenings & Official Selections:- Warren Perry Poster Day, 2018, USA
- BAM! Festival, 2019, USA
- Lift-off Global Network First-time Filmmaker Sessions, 2019, England
- Starzplay Short Film Competition, 2019, Pakistan
- Duemila30, 2019, Italy
- 16th Annual Buffalo Infringement Festival, 2020, USA
- ARTS x SDGS Online Festival, 2021, USA
- Social Impact Film Festival, 2022, USA
- Alone, Together (2018, Drama, 4 mins 23 secs)
Nominations, Screenings, & Official Selections:- Maryland Filmmakers Film Festival, 2019, USA
- Nominee for Best Holiday Live-Action, Yule Film Fest, 2020, USA
- Flickfair, 2020, USA
- Southeast Regional Film Festival, 2020, USA
- Realtime International Film Festival (RTF), 2020, Nigeria
- Jharkhand International Film Festival & Awards, 2020, India
- Blue Film (2018, Experimental, 4 mins)
Nominations, Screenings, & Official Selections:- Student Experimental Film Festival (SEFF), 2018, USA
- Nominee for Best of 716, NCCC Film & Animation Festival, 2019, USA
- Bull Film Fest, 2019, USA
- Audience Awards, 2019, USA
- 15th Annual Buffalo Infringement Festival, 2019, USA
- Zlaty Voci Film Theory Students Film Festival, 2019, Czech Republic
- New Industry Selection, Oaxaca FilmFest, 2019, Mexico
- MoziMotion, 2019, The Netherlands
- Southeast Regional Film Festival, 2020, USA
- Blue2Blue Drone Film Festival, 2020, Australia
- 11th Bridges International Film Festival, 2020, Greece
- Big Durian Big Apple (2018, Documenter, 5 mins 3 secs)
Awards, Screenings, & Official Selections:- Buffalo International Film Festival, 2019, USA
- Studio City International Film Festival, 2019, USA
- BAM! Festival, 2019, USA
- CSEAS Graduate Student Conference, (Re)Making Memory in Southeast Asia, 2019, USA
- Said by tongues., 2019, USA
- Festival Internacional de Cine – CINESPACIO, 2019, Colombia
- International Tourism Film Festival “Tourfilm Riga,” 2019, Latvia
- VIVA FILM FESTIVAL, 2019, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Stars of Wild Beauty – International Tourism Film Festival Montenegro, 2019, Montenegro
- Shortlist, MINIKINO FILM WEEK 5, 2019, Indonesia
- Semi-finalist, Kino London presents “The People’s Film Festival,” 2019, England
- Special Mention for Foreign Documentary category, Ankur 2020 – International Youth Documentary & Short Film Festival, 2020, India
- Flame Firstcut, 2020, India
- SEAxSEA: Southeast Asia x Seattle Film Festival, 2020, USA
- Incluvie Film Festival, 2020, USA
- NYU Cinema Studies’ Annual Student Conference, AFTER [ LIVES ], 2020, USA
- Southeast Regional Film Festival, 2020, USA
- APL’S arts portfolio panel discussion and film screenings, 2020, USA
- Rehoboth Beach Film Society’s Regional Showcase, 2020, USA [pending due to COVID]
- Honorable Mention, Portraits of cities, ‘Urban Visions: Beyond the Ideal City’ Film Festival, 2021, Italy
- Mimesis Documentary Festival, 2021, USA
- International Migration & Environmental Film Festival, 2021, Canada
- Southeast Asian American Studies Conference at SJSU, 2021, USA
- SEASGRAD Conference, Virtual Performance Space, 2021, USA
- Where Do Babies Come From? (2018, Experimental, 5 mins)
Screenings, & Official Selections:- Minikino Monthly Screening & Discussion, 2019, Indonesia
- Concordia Film Festival, 2019, Canada
- 11th International Inter University Short Film Festival, 2019, Bangladesh
- 5th Marmaris International Short Film Festival, 2019, Turkey
- GaztefilmFest, “Transmisiones” Program, 2020, Spain
- Realtime International Film Festival (RTF), 2020, Nigeria
- Sunnyside Shorts International Film Festival, 2020, USA
- Bull Film Fest, 2019, USA
- 15th Annual Buffalo Infringement Festival, 2019, USA
- Said by tongues., 2019, USA
- Plons! International Short Documentary Film Festival Leeuwarden, 2021, The Netherlands
- The Banana Manifesto (2018, Experimental, 5 mins)
Awards, Screenings, & Official Selections:- Student Film Critic’s Choice Award Monthly Winner, Druk International Film Festival, 2019, Bhutan
- DMS Media Show, 2019, USA
- 15th Annual Buffalo Infringement Festival, 2019, USA
- Golden Dragon Nominee, Category Student Film, Druk International Film Festival, 2020, Bhutan
- BUEIFF Channel, 2020, Argentina
- Dhaka International Youth Film Festival, 2020, Bangladesh
- Big Teeth Small Shorts Film Festival, 2020, USA
- KinoDrome International Motion Pictures & Screenplay Festival, 2020, USA
- MIGC: Midwest Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference, 2020, USA
- APL’S arts portfolio panel discussion and film screenings, 2020, USA
- Winner of the 716 People’s Choice Award, NCCC Film & Animation Festival, 2021, USA
- Finalist, Experimental Film, SUNYWide Film Festival, 2021, USA
- Southeast Regional Film Festival, 2021, USA
- Finalist, jellyFEST Film Festival, 2021, USA
- Scream it off Screen, September 2022, USA
- TAMU (2018, Mockumentary, 14 mins 51 secs)
Awards, Screenings, & Official Selections:- PLASMA Performance, Lectures & Screenings in Media Arts, 2018, USA
- Holidaze Screenings, 2018, USA
- Winner of Audience Award for Best Graduate Film, DMS Media Show, 2019, USA
- MIGC: Midwest Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference, 2019, USA
- Southeast Asia and the Diaspora: Gender, Labor, and Performance, 1st Annual SEASGRAD Conference, 2019, USA
- PLURALITIES, Docfilm Institute, 2019, USA
- 15th Annual Buffalo Infringement Festival, 2019, USA
- The Big Picture, Members Community Screening, Squeaky Wheel, 2019, USA
- Winner for Best Documentary, Assurdo Film Festival, 2020, Italy
- Nominated for Best Editing of a Documentary, East Europe International Film Festival, 2020, Poland
- Nominated for Best Short Documentary, East Europe International Film Festival, 2020, Poland
- Nominee, Short Film International Competition, The Continental Film Festival, 2021, Germany
- SEAxSEA: Southeast Asia x Seattle Film Festival, 2021, USA
- Sixth Annual Cinema Sisters International Film Festival, 2021, USA
- Queens Underground Black History Month International Film Festival, 2021, USA
- Finalist, ICAN/LAX International Film Competition, 2021, USA
- Southeast Regional Film Festival, 2021, USA
- Only The Best Film Awards, 2021, USA
- Southeast Asian American Studies Conference at SJSU, 2021, USA
- CultureCinema, 2021, India
- Horbola International Film Festival, 2021, India
- The Continental Film Festival, 2021, Spain
- RTF Realtime International Film Festival, 2021, Nigeria
- The Strength of A Woman (2019, Documentary, 2 mins 55 secs)
Screenings, & Official Selections:- IPAF Seoul, 2019, South Korea
- WOW Film Festival, 2020, Tunisia
- Semi-finalist, AT&T Film Awards, 2019, USA
- Over-the-Rhine International Film Festival, 2021, USA
- Social Impact Film Festival, 2022, USA
- The Salubrious Monotony of a Living Dream (2019, Experimental, 5 mins 5 secs)
Nominations, Screenings, & Official Selections:- Shortlist, Daftar Hasil Kurasi Film Cerita Pendek, Festival Film Indonesia (FFI), 2019, Indonesia
- Nominee, Begadang Filmmaking Competition, MINIKINO FILM WEEK 5, 2019, Indonesia
- Said by tongues., 2019, USA
- Graduate Film Nominee, DMS Livestream Show, 2020, USA
- Kismet Virtual Film Festival, 2020, USA
- Finalist, Flickfair, 2020, USA
- 16th Annual Buffalo Infringement Festival, 2020, USA
- Rome Independent Prisma Awards, 2020, Italy
- Rising Sun International Film Festival, 2022, Japan
- The Blissful Aloofness of Childcare (2019, Comedy, 9 mins 43 secs)
Screenings, & Official Selections:- 48 Hours of Hygge, 2019, Denmark
- RTF Realtime International Film Festival, 2020, Nigeria
- Lisbon Film Rendezvous, 2021, Portugal
- Concrete Jungle (2019, Experimental, 1 min)
Screenings, & Official Selections:- Shortlist, MINIKINO FILM WEEK 6, Indonesia
- Squeaky Wheel 17th Animation Fest, 2020, USA
- MicroMania Film Fest, 2020, USA
- Buffalo Shorts, 2020, USA
- Semi-Finalist, ESMoA Video Art + Film Festival: RISEUP, 2020, USA
- Semi-Finalist – Best Student Film, Couch Film Festival, 2020, Canada
- Semi-Finalist – Best Cinematography Category, Alternative Film Festival, 2020, Canada
- Ecozine Film Festival, 2020, Spain
- Ortometraggi Film Festival, Category VIDEO ART, 2020, Italy
- Flame Firstcut, 2020, India
- Delete TV, 2021, England
- Female Filmmakers Festival Berlin, 2021, Germany
- International Migration & Environmental Film Festival, 2021, Canada
- ARTS x SDGS Online Festival, 2021, USA
- Cineminuto Córdoba 2021 – V Festival De Cineminutos De Córdoba, 2021, Argentina
- ACTIVATING ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS curated by Beatie Wolfe, Denver Digerati’s Silent Screen, 2022, USA [expanded 2.0 version, 01:48, silent]
- Designers as Sustainability Agents, International Academic on Contemporary Art and Design Exhibition (INACADE), 2023, Indonesia
- Bearddemic (2020, Animation, 3 mins 46 secs)
Awards, Screenings, & Official Selections:- Honorable Mention, Berlin Flash Film Festival, 2020, Germany
- Realtime International Film Festival (RTF), 2020, Nigeria
- Supernova Digital Animation Festival, 2020, USA
- ENFOQUE Unidos Short Film Competition, 2020, USA
- Semi-finalist, Long Distance Film Festival, 2020, USA
- 16th Annual Buffalo Infringement Festival, 2020, USA
- Buffalo Short, 2020, USA
- Lockdown Short Film Category, Horbola International Film Festival, 2021, India
- Doc International Student Film Festival, 2021, Russia
- WFH (2020, Mockumentary, 3 mins)
Awards, Screenings, & Official Selections:- SLAM THE CURVE, Tap Into Film 72 Hour Family Film Slam, 2020, USA
- I Will Tell International Film Festival, 2020, England
- Berlin Flash Film Festival, 2020, Germany
- OJO MÓVIL FEST, 2020, Peru
- Jharkhand International Film Festival & Awards, 2020, India
- Lockdown Short Film Category, Horbola International Film Festival, 2021, India
- 2nd annual MOM Film Fest, 2020, USA
- EnchantmentFx4, The first annual Land of Enchantment Family Film & Fashion Festival, 2021, USA
- African Women Mobile International Film Festival, 2021, Nigeria
- Audience Choice Award Winner, SEAxSEA: Southeast Asia x Seattle Film & Literature Festival, 2022, USA
- Attention at Tension (2020, Documentary, 8 mins 52 secs)
Screenings, & Official Selections:- International Festival Signes de Nuit, 2020, Thailand
- Buffalo International Film Festival, 2020, USA
- Essential Stories – Pluralities Conference, 2020, USA
- Virginia Dares Conference for Decolonizing/Re-Indigenizing Media, 2020, USA
- Minikino Film Week 7, 2021, Indonesia
- DOCUTAH International Documentary Film Festival, 2021, USA
- FLEFF 2021 Entangled Infiltrations, Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival, 2021, USA
- NHdocs: the New Haven Documentary Film Festival, 2021, USA
- MIGC 2021: Catalyst, 2021, USA
- GLITCH/WANT: Conversations from the Palah Light Lab, 2021, USA
- 17th edition of Mumbai International Film Festival for Documentary, Short Fiction and Animation films (MIFF), 2022, India
- FECEA – Festival Internacional de Cinema Escolar de Alvorada, Brazil
- Midnight Glitch (2020, Horror, 3 mins)
Awards, Screenings, & Official Selections:- Horrifying Honorable Mention, Berlin Flash Film Festival, 2020, Germany
- Nominee, Minikino Begadang Filmmaking Competition, 2020, Indonesia
- Online Short Films Screening: Begadang 2020 Official Selection, Indonesian Film Society – London x Minikino Film Week, 2020, England
- Finalist for MicroHorror category, MicroMania Film Festival, 2021, USA
- Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival, 2021, USA
- Monthly Official Selection, Only The Best Film Awards, 2022, USA
- One Night Stand (2020, Animation, 2 mins 35 secs)
Screenings, & Official Selections:- ANIMATIBA, Festival International de Animação de Curitiba, 2021, Brazil
- Regeneration – The 6th Annual Supernova Digital Animation Festival, 2021, USA
- Semi-finalist, Moving Film Festival, 2021, Iran
- Ngengat (The Moth in My Window) (2021, Experimental, 7 mins)
Screenings, & Official Selections:- 48 Hours of Hygge, 2021, Denmark
- FiSH TV, FiSH – Film festival in StadtHafen, 2021, Germany
- Inside Repetition (2021, Dance, 10 mins 14 secs)
Screenings, & Official Selections:- SHUTTER SPEED: An Evening of Dance on Film!, 2021, USA
- How to Make a Film about HIV? (2021, Documentary, 29 mins 37 secs)
Screenings, & Official Selections:- The Department of Media Study, SUNY at Buffalo Student Showcase, 2021, USA
- Selamat Datang di Indonesia (2021, Animation, 5 mins 16 secs)
Screenings, & Official Selections:- Nominee, Minikino Begadang Filmmaking Competition, 2021, Indonesia
- Official selection, Indonesia Raja 2022 Jawa Barat, 2022, Indonesia
- Merdeka Menonton by MondiBlanc Film Workshop, 2022, Indonesia
- Minikino Film Week 8 Guest Program, IR2022 Jawa Barat: Bukan Sekedar Fiksi, 2022, Indonesia
- Aceh Film Festival, 2022, Indonesia
- Nusa Antara (The Archipelago) (2021, Animation, Documentary, 7 mins 8 secs)
Awards, Screenings, & Official Selections:- Selected Project at TOAST YOUR SHORT Pitching Forum, MINIKINO FILM WEEK 7: Bali International Short Film Festival, 2021, Indonesia
- PEN Short Film Production Grant Recipient, 2021, Indonesia
- Side Event MotoGP Mandalika, 2022, Indonesia
- 8th Mini Film Festival x Mini Arts Festival, 2022, Malaysia
- S-Express 2022 screenings in Hanoi & Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Finalist, Short Film Competition, Sundance Film Festival Asia, 2022, Indonesia
- Nominee, National Competition Award, MINIKINO FILM WEEK 8: Bali International Short Film Festival, 2022, Indonesia
- Aceh Film Festival, 2022, Indonesia
- Shortlisted, ReelOzInd!, 2022, Indonesia & Australia
- Synchronize Festival 2022 x Kinosaurus, 2022, Indonesia
- In Competition, Global Short, Jakarta Film Week, 2022, Indonesia
- Boemboe Forum 2022, “Jagoan Festival Film,” 2022, Indonesia
- Nominasi Piala Citra, Film Animasi Pendek Terbaik, Festival Film Indonesia, 2022, Indonesia
- In competition, Air Canada Short Film or Video Award and Audience Choice Short Film Award, 26th edition of Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival (Reel Asian), 2022, Canada
- 14th Seoul Yeongdeungpo International Extreme-Short Image & Film Festival, 2022, South Korea
- 26th Thai Short Film and Video Festival-Bangkok, 2022, Thailand
- Visiting Neighbors, 2022, Makassar, Indonesia
- Nominasi Film Animasi Pendek Terpilih, Piala Maya 11, 2022, Indonesia
- Short Film Market Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, 2023, France
- Cinema of Vedana, Goethe Institute, 2023, Yangon, Myanmar
- Ucifest, 2023, Indonesia
- Show Me Shorts Film Festival, 2023, New Zealand
- Southeast Asia Special Mention for Talking Social Issues, CRAFT International Animation Festival, 2023, Indonesia
- ALCINE Festival Internacional de Cine, 2023, Spain
- In Competition, Collections: Gastronomy, Bogoshort: Bogotá Short Film Festival, 2023, Colombia
- SineMakan, Animasi Club, 2024, Jogjakarta, Indonesia
- Lolitha (2022, Documentary, 20 mins)
Nominations, Screenings, & Official Selections:- Nominee for Best Asian Short Documentary, BKK Short Doc, Thailand, 2022
- Finalist, Festival Of the Moving Image (FOMI), 2023, England
- In Competition, Short Documentary, Balinale: 16th Bali International Film Festival, 2023, Indonesia
- Jakarta Film Week, 2023, Indonesia
- 100% YASS QUEEN, 100% Manusia Film Festival, 2024, Indonesia
- Riwayat Ceti (What Ceti Does) (2022, Drama, 20 mins 46 secs)
Awards, Screenings, & Official Selections:- 3rd Winner of Europe on Screen Short Film Pitching Program, 2021, Indonesia
- PEN Short Film Production Grant Recipient, 2021, Indonesia
- Europe on Screen, 2022, Indonesia
- Jakarta Film Week, 2022, Indonesia
- Shortlisted, 30 Film Cerita Pendek Rekomendasi Asosiasi, Festival Film Indonesia, 2022, Indonesia
- 100% Local Flavors Short Films Compilations, 100% Manusia Film Festival, 2022, Indonesia
- Kineidoscope, 2022, Yogjakarta, Indonesia
- Private Screening, The People Film, 29 Desember 2022, CGV Marvell City Mall, Surabaya, Indonesia
- Alun-Alun Eropa, 2023, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Minikino Film Week 8 – Bali International Short Film Festival, 2023, Indonesia
- New Voices from Young Filmmaker, Madani IFF x Binus University, 2023, Indonesia
- Buffalo International Film Festival, 2023, USA
- Nominee, Best Indonesian Short Film, Jakarta Independent Film Festival, 2023, Indonesia
- Nominee, Best Movie by an International Female Producer/Director, Realtime International Film Festival, 2024, United Kingdom
- The Lemony Snippets of A Loopy Reverie (2022, Animation, Comedy, 3 mins 17 secs)
Nominations, Screenings, & Official Selections:- Nominee, Minikino Begadang Filmmaking Competition, 2022, Indonesia
- Minikino Film Week 8 Guest Program, Begadang Official Selected Films, 2022, Indonesia
- com & King Artist Run, 2022, Melbourne, Australia
- Screening Scholarship Media Festival, 2023, Philadelphia, USA
- Minikino Monthly Screening Juni 2023, Indonesia
- Show Me Shorts Film Festival, 2023, New Zealand
- Minikino x Cartoons Underground Partner Screening, 2023, Singapore
- Child’s Play (2024, Vertical, Drama, 5 mins 45 secs)
Awards, Screenings, & Official Selections:- Winner, Vertical Film Competition, Minikino Film Week 10, 2024, Bali, Indonesia
- Vertical Film Exhibition, Minikino Film Week 10, 2024, Bali, Indonesia
- MFW10 Post Festival Roadshow, 2024, Buleleng & Maumere, Indonesia
- Pop-up Screening & Diskusi Film Vertikal, ISI Yogyakarta, 2024, Indonesia
- Dirty Campaign (in development)
Nominations, Screenings, & Official Selections:- Selected Project, AKATARA: The Biggest Indonesian Film Business Forum & Film Market, 2022, Indonesia
- Toast Your Short, Minikino Film Week 9 Short Film Market, 2023, Indonesia
Grants, Fellowships, & Scholarships:
- Binus University’s Serving the Nation Research Grant 2023 entitled “Dokumenter Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 bagi UMKM Film di Indonesia” [Contract number: 030/VRRTT/III/2023; Contract date: 1 March 2023].
- Proyek Inisiatif, Binus University, 2022, with project entitled “FILM CAMP: STUDENT FILM COMPETITION INCUBATOR.”
- AIFIS-RISTEK/BRIN Academic Writing Workshop 2021, with mentor Khrisna Sen.
- Emerging Content Creator Scholarship for NALIP Media Summit, 2021.
- Kundiman Feminism & Queer Politics in Poetry Workshop with Margaret Rhee Scholarship, 2021.
- Gender Institute’s 2020 Isabel S. Marcus International Research Fellowship, University at Buffalo, 2020, for conducting field dissertation research in Indonesia.
- Graduate Student Association Mark Diamond Research Fund, University at Buffalo, 2020, for conducting dissertation research.
- FUTURE NOW Mentoring Program with mentor Greg Rhem, 2020.
- UB Center for Diversity Innovation Distinguished Visiting Scholars Mentoring Circles Program with mentor Victoria-Idongesit Udondian, 2020.
- Climate Reality Leader at The Climate Reality Project, 2020.
- Majority Leader with Supermajority Education Fund, 2020.
- Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory (HASTAC) Scholar, 2019-2021.
- The Asian Studies Program Research Award Grant, University at Buffalo, 2019, for presenting at The Association for Asian Studies (AAS) 2020 Annual Conference, Boston, MA, USA [Canceled due to COVID-19].
- Sustainability Change Agent Fellow / Education and Leadership Fellow in Sustainability, University at Buffalo (SUNY), Buffalo, NY, 2019.
- Social Impact Fellow, University at Buffalo (SUNY), Buffalo, NY, 2019.
- Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF) Diversity Scholar, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY, 2019.
- The Asian Studies Program Conference Registration Grant, University at Buffalo, 2018, for presenting at New York Conference on Asian Studies, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA.
- Graduate Student Association Travel Grant, University at Buffalo, 2018, for presenting at New York Conference on Asian Studies, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA.
- Graduate Student Association Travel Grant, University at Buffalo, 2018, for attending Society of Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS), Toronto, Canada.
- Graduate Student Association Travel Grant, University at Buffalo, 2018, for presenting at The Association for Asian Studies (AAS) 2020 Annual Conference, Boston, MA, USA [Canceled due to COVID-19].
- Nila T. Gnamm Junior Faculty Research Fund 2017/2018, for the research on “Film as Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Intervention Method among HIV-Infected Prisoners in Indonesia.” [Canceled due to technical issues].
- DIKTI-funded Fulbright Ph.D. grant, 2017.
- American Institute for Indonesian Studies (AIFIS) Henry Luce Foundation Grants for Indonesian Researchers, 2015, for the research on “Using Film as a Social Marketing Strategy to Improve Acceptance of Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Among HIV-Infected Prisoners in Indonesia.”
- BINUS University International Internal Research Grant, 2015, for the research on “Using Film as a Social Marketing Strategy to Improve Acceptance of Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Among HIV-Infected Prisoners in Indonesia.”
- BINUS University International Internal Conference Grant, 2015, for the research on “The Framing of Bali Bombing One in the Media: “Long Road to Heaven” and National Geographic’s “Seconds from Disasters: The Bali Bombing (Disco Bombing).””
- International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Indonesia Scholarship, 2013.
- Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) Thesis Scholarship, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, 2013, for the research on “The Intelligence Success of Operation Neptune Spear: A Comparison with the Intelligence Failure Cases of 9/11 and Iraq’s WMD.”
- Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) for School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University, USA, 2011-2012.
- British Council Full-Scholarship for Magister Degree Study at Terrorism in International Security Major, Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Indonesia, 2010.
- Telkomsel High-School Scholarship for Writing Achievement, 2004.